2021 Available Puppies


Please Check the Current Available Puppies Page to see if there are any available babies

Beautiful Blue Mila

Sweetheart, Smart, Spunky, Balanced, Funny!
Adopted by Gary and Holly in Texas

Companion Adoption $3650

Mila is a gorgeous blue Frenchton girl with a super personality.

Beautiful blue baby Mila is wearing a full body silvery blue coat with zero white accents. It is quite uncommon to have a full body color coat with no white. At birth she had a very thin white ‘sliver’ marking on her chest which filled in over time. As a 80/20 Frenchton (80% Frenchie/20% Boston terrier), she is compact and solidly built with a more stubby-legged look about her. She has a great snout (a little bit longer) which is what we breed for to add healthy longevity (a better snout lends to a healthier heart, easier breathing, and less chance of the brachycephalic (snub nosed) issues that can be found in bulldog breeds). Her ears are adorably bat-like and at 4 weeks of age are almost up (at 5 weeks they are up). Her super sporty Teddy-bear tail completes her irresistibly gorgeous attire. I’d say she’s about a 10 on the cuteness scale.

Sweetheart Mila has a fabulous personality. She is loving and enjoys being held. She gives sweet kisses but isn’t a crazy kisser. When being held she likes to climb right up to my neck and either snuggle in or perch herself with her arms across my shoulder so she can take in all that is going on around us while being held. Smart girl!

Mila enjoys playing with all of the toys and her puppy ‘cousins’ that are near her age. This is an important part of her puppy socialization (since she was the only puppy in her litter).

During picture time she was fairly easy to work with and I always think of that as future easy trainability. She’s a funny little girl with a perfect blend of the Frenchie and Boston disposition. This little princess is very balanced with her great middle of the road nature with just the right amount of spunk and confidence. She reminds me of her mama with a little bit more laid back personality.

Mama Frenchton Rila is a funny and happy little girl, with a bit of her own determined nature. She is the stunningly beautiful blue daughter of Frenchton Rio and Frenchie Blue Diamond (and the sister of our Reesie). She is poised and easy going but also confident enough to know that she is something special. When she was little, Rila was the spunkiest little thing and so funny to watch. She is generally happy with whatever is going on and is a fabulous mama. She even agreed to nurse some of Roni’s babies for her (since Roni had 7 and she only had 3). Rila instantly welcomed the extra babies just as if they were hers. I love her spunk, intelligence, and loving nature – she has a lot of the great attributes of both the Boston and Frenchie breeds. Frenchton Rila is a 63% Frenchie/37% Boston terrier.

Sire Channing, AKC French bulldog (outside stud), is full of character! He’s a blue and tan cobby little guy with points (the tan eyebrows, tan cheeks, etc.) and you can see the spunk in his beautiful eyes which are accented by those adorable tan eyebrows. He is a perfectly built French bulldog sweetheart who loves attention. If he’s in someone’s lap, he’s happy! True to his Frenchie nature, you can see the confidence in the way he walks and carries himself. Channing, weighing in at about 20 pounds is such a gorgeous little Romeo with a big personality!

Our amazing Frenchtons are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. Our testimonials and references are proof. These babies are on a healthy home prepared diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fifth generation babies raised this way (in these bloodlines). They are potty pad trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect this little girl to weigh 18-21 pounds full grown.

Exquisitely beautiful blue Mia with her sweetheart nature and fabulous middle of the road personality is now adopted!

Amazing Frenchton Brice – Adopted by Bob and Slyvia in California!

Gorgeous Red Fawn, Fabulous Personality, Playful, Spunky, Confident

Companion Adoption $3800.

Brice and his brothers have champions on both the Boston and Frenchie side and are already showing great personalities from their parents and lineage.

Bodaciously beautiful BRICE is a precious Frenchton Fella. His red fawn coat is stunningly offset by a signature white patch on his chest, and a couple white tipped toes. Some sabling gives his tail and ear tips some dark accents and gives his coat that beautiful rich red fawn coloring. Compliments of his sire, he is Frenchie marked (with this full body red coat) and a bit stockier/squatier than his brother Beck (also red fawn). He has a great squared bulldog head that makes his face pretty much irresistible. His snout is just a bit longer (what we breed for to help with healthy longevity/easier breathing). BRICE’s coat is noticeably lighter red fawn (than Beck) because he doesn’t have as much of the sabling (black tipped hairs) as his brother. Brice is the largest in the litter with another brother who is close in size to him. I can see BRICE as an adult with his gorgeous bulldog bulk all muscled up into a stunningly handsome Frenchton fella. I mean this guy is going to be worthy of some seriously epic photos. He could be the ‘Frenchton’ model for a perfect 50/50 Frenchton. People will probably literally stop his family wherever they go to ask about this impressive red fawn fella.

BRICE is a big Teddy Bear like his sire Blue. He’s cuddly, comfortable in arms, gives a good amount of chin kisses and has a fabulous middle of the road personality. He plays well with his siblings and is neither too laid back or too ‘busy’. He loves toys and is always up for playtime or can easily amuse himself with the rope toy or spikey ball. BRICE is comfortable in arms, likes to be held, and gives plenty of chin kisses. I can see a lot of his Frenchie dad in him in both nature and build. He seems to have the best of both breed ‘worlds’ with the intelligence and spunk of the Boston and the looks with a touch of mellow attitude (and a dash of goofiness) of the Frenchie. BRICE has the confidence, light heartedness, and loving nature from both breeds. If I needed to keep a Frenchton male, he would be the one y’all.

The babies’ mother, AKC Boston Cadia,is an amazing little girl. She has a perfect Boston terrier personality and is the culmination of 2 of our Boston champion bloodlines. On her mother’s side, she is the great granddaughter of GRAND champion ‘KD’s Crazy Bout a Sharp Dressed Man by Charlie’. On Cadia’s paternal side, she is several generations from Cosmo, probably the most famous Champion Boston terrier of our time. She LOVES to be around people, enjoys car rides, and is always up for whatever is going on. These babies get a good measure of their spunk from Cadia! So BRICE’s lineage, just on mom’s side, goes like this: all AKC Bostons – Mama Cadia, grandma Cali, great grandma Mitzi (all owned by us), and then Grand Champion great great grandpa.

The babies’ sire, Blue Diamond, AKC Frenchie with American Champions, is the Frenchie clown of the family and is my little Teddy Bear. Everyone who meets him loves him. He likes to come and sit his little ‘piggy’ self right in their lap if they will sit on the floor with him. He prides himself on being quite personable, a bit of a ladies’ man, the family clown, and usually generally obedient. I love that he is so affectionate – not all Frenchies are this way. This also helps keep him from getting in too much trouble when he shows his occasional mischievous side!

Our Frenchtons are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. These babies are on a healthy home prepared diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation Frenchton puppies raised this way. They are potty trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh in the 15-18 pound range once full grown. Brice will definitely stay on the larger end of this guesstimate, maybe several pounds bigger!

Big guy BRICE with his gorgeous looks and fabulous personality is sure to be a red fawned treasure to his family and a real head-turn wherever he goes! He is 4 months old now and is $3800.
Let me know if he is the one for you!

Adopted -CABE

Super Personable, Affectionate, Funny, Great Attitude
Now adopted by Jasen and Annalisa in Rhode Island

Companion Adoption – $2950.

CABE and his siblings have champions on both the Boston and Frenchie side and are already showing great personalities from their parents and lineage.

Handsome CABE with his outstanding personality is a great little guy. He sports a seal coat (seal according to the AKC is black with a reddish tint in bright light)… so he really looks black… with some white accents. The blaze between his eyes, white goatee, white swirly starfish patch on chest, and a few white tipped toes lend to his Boston-marked cuteness. The icing on the cake is what caught my eye when he was first born. His signature marking (along with his swirly starfish) is the outline of a white heart on his belly. This must mean that he will be extra sweet and full of heart! Cabe also has a bit of a longer snout (we breed for this for easier breathing/healthier longevity). He is the second largest in the litter and is medium in build and bulldogishness making him a great example of the 50/50 Frenchton with attributes from both breeds.

CABE looks like a great blend of both the Frenchie and Boston, and also has the fabulous engaging and interactive nature of both breeds. He’s not overly busy but is quick to jump into the fun as it emerges. Many times he is the one that starts the games by grabbing a toy or giving his siblings a look or a pounce that says ‘Playtime starts now!’ CABE also is almost always the first one to come to me when I enter the room and many times it’s a race. He’s super personable and very motivated to see what’s up next. This Teddy bear LOVES to snuggle, climb right up to my neck, and shower me with tons of affectionate chin kisses. Snuggling is definitely near the top of his priorities. He is a super affectionate little guy and will be a fabulous companion.

The great thing about the Frenchton breed blend is that while they can be playful, it’s usually in manageable bursts and then they’re content to sit on the couch, get some snuggles, and enjoy the downtime just as much as the playtime. That’s CABE. He’s going to love whatever is going on at the time. He has that fabulous ‘Everyday is a great day’ attitude like his great grandsire Bogie One Kanogie.

The babies’ mother, AKC Boston Cadia (Bogie’s grand daughter) ,is an amazing little girl. She has a perfect Boston terrier personality and is the culmination of 2 of our Boston champion bloodlines. On her mother’s side, she is the great granddaughter of GRAND champion ‘KD’s Crazy Bout a Sharp Dressed Man by Charlie’. On Cadia’s paternal side, she is several generations from Cosmo, probably the most famous Champion Boston terrier of our time. She LOVES to be around people, enjoys car rides, and is always up for whatever is going on. These babies get a good measure of their spunk from Cadia! So CABE’s lineage just on mom’s side goes like this: all AKC Bostons – Mama Cadia, grandma Cali, great grandma Mitzi (all owned by us), and then Grand Champion great great grandpa.

The babies’ sire, Blue Diamond, AKC Frenchie with American Champions, is the Frenchie clown of the family and is my little Teddy Bear. Everyone who meets him loves him. He likes to come and sit his little ‘piggy’ self right in their lap if they will sit on the floor with him. He prides himself on being quite personable, a bit of a ladies’ man, the family clown, and usually generally obedient. I love that he is so affectionate – not all Frenchies are this way. This also helps keep him from getting in too much trouble when he shows his occasional mischievous side!

Our Frenchtons are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. These babies are on a healthy home prepared diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation Frenchton puppies raised this way. They are potty trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh in the 15-18 pound range once full grown. Cabe will probably be on the larger size of this guesstimate since he is one of the two largest siblings.

Big guy CABE with his classic adorable Frenchton looks and full of life personality is sure to be the heart of his family and up for whatever life brings his way. Cabe, now Gordon is now adopted in Rhode Island!

Beck, now Louie

Red Fawn Sable, Content, Confident, Funny, Smart
Now adopted by Tim and Stephanie in New Jersey

Companion Adoption

Beck and his brothers have champions on both the Boston and Frenchie side and are already showing great personalities from their parents and lineage.

Exquisitely red fawn sable Beck is a sweetheart. His Frenchie marked, full body, red fawn coat is tipped with enough sabled hairs that he is a bit darker in color than his brother Brice (also red fawn). BECK’s rich red coat is accented with a signature white strip on his chest, some darker tipped ears, tail, and neck, and a beautiful black face mask. His build is pretty middle of the road as most 50/50 babies are and he has a bit of a longer snout (we breed for this for healthier breathing/longevity). The babies noses do seem to stretch out a even a bit more as they mature. Beck is one of the smaller two babies of the bunch and is the smallest of the boys. I love his little guy’s gorgeously rich red fawn outfit and over the top baby bulldog cuteness. He is irresistible!

Beck is a content little guy. For the most part, he’s easy going and okay with whatever is going on. His great middle of the road personality includes plenty of spunk, playfulness and that funny Frenchie nature. As though he’s thinking, he will sometimes watch the activity before jumping in but loves playing with the crinkle toys and knobby toys. BECK’s confidence allows him to be happy playing alone or rumbling with his siblings. He’s a thoughtful little guy almost like he’s planning his next move or weighing his options. He is comfortable in arms and gives some sweet chin kisses but isn’t a crazy kisser.

BECK isn’t all good looks and manners though, he’s a smart little guy. He was the first one to figure out how to eat from a bowl (harder then you think to transition from nipple to bowl) and the first one to be able to ‘find’ the food at the first few ‘mush’ feeding times. During picture time he was very easy to work with and I like to consider this as future easy trainability. He would gladly sit or stand still for a few seconds, even in the group photos, so I could get some great shots. That’s impressive for a 4 week old little guy! I love his little gentlemanly personality with his spunky sweetness – a perfect balance for a Frenchton fella!

The babies’ mother, AKC Boston Cadia, is an amazing little girl. She has a perfect Boston terrier personality and is the culmination of 2 of our Boston champion bloodlines. On her mother’s side, she is the great granddaughter of GRAND champion ‘KD’s Crazy Bout a Sharp Dressed Man by Charlie’. On Cadia’s paternal side, she is several generations from Cosmo, probably the most famous Champion Boston terrier of our time. She LOVES to be around people, enjoys car rides, and is always up for whatever is going on. These babies get a good measure of their spunk from Cadia! So BECK’s lineage just on mom’s side goes like this: all AKC Bostons – Mama Cadia, grandma Cali, great grandma Mitzi (all owned by us), and then Grand Champion great great grandpa.

The babies’ sire, Blue Diamond, AKC Frenchie with American Champions, is the Frenchie clown of the family and is my little Teddy Bear. Everyone who meets him loves him. He likes to come and sit his little ‘piggy’ self right in their lap if they will sit on the floor with him. He prides himself on being quite personable, a bit of a ladies’ man, the family clown, and usually generally obedient. I love that he is so affectionate – not all Frenchies are this way. This also helps keep him from getting in too much trouble when he shows his occasional mischievous side!

Our Frenchtons are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. These babies are on a healthy home prepared diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation Frenchton puppies raised this way. They are potty trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh in the 15-18 pound range once full grown. I guesstimate that Beck will stay on the smaller end of this guesstimate.

Super handsome red fawn sable Beck with his adorable outlook, thoughtful and sweetheart personality is sure to be the center of attention wherever he goes. Beck is now adopted by his furever family in NJ!

Frenchton Princess Baby Ruth – Now Stella Blue – adopted by Thomas and Patty in Michigan

Companion Adoption $4700.

Blue Fawn, Affectionate, Fabulous Personality, Playful

Reesie and Channing have truly outdone themselves with their first litter together! These 80% Frenchie babies are absolutely gorgeous.

This gorgeous girl dons a stunning blue fawn coat with ‘points’. Baby Ruth is our first puppy with this color AND markings! Blue fawn is a cream color (can be a bit darker or lighter cream/tan depending on the dog) with a beautiful blue sheen. Her ‘points’ are the lighter colored eyebrows and cheeks and they are accented by her petite white blaze between her eyes and white patch on her chest. Her body is cobby with more of the Frenchie build including shorter legs and bat-like ears which are already standing at 5 weeks of age. She has some blue ‘sabling’ (darker blue tipped hairs) on her neck, tail, and back, but for the most part she is full-body blue fawn. Her snout is just a bit longer (what we breed for to help with healthy longevity). She is going to have a gorgeous bulldog ‘build’ once she matures. Ruth’s designer coat (with points) is compliments of her sire AKC Frenchie Channing and her maternal grandsire AKC Frenchie Deuce.

Beautiful Princess Baby Ruth is the sweetheart of the bunch. She is affectionate, snuggly, comfortable in arms, and is okay being held on her back like a baby. She easily gives a few sweet chin kisses and is an observant little girl. Often times, she watches whats going on before jumping in. Ruthie is playful with siblings and with her great middle of the road personality is fine being held or taking her part in the baby bulldog games. During picture time she was definitely the easiest one to work with. She would pause briefly for me to take pictures (I have taken pictures of her daily) and during the weekly group photo shoot, she sits still and behaves while I encourage the other two to stop moving so I can get a great picture. I like to think of this as future easy trainability. Her fabulous personality leans more to the laid back side. Not that she is laid back, there is still plenty of puppy show-off spunk, but she is more laid back than her brother and sister. I just love this little Princess!

Mama Frenchton Reesie is smart and sassy with a bit of her own determined nature and a bunch of that great bulldog confidence that comes from the show bloodlines. Reesie has both American champions (from her Boston heritage) and International champions (from her Frenchie lines). She is the gorgeous blue sable daughter of Frenchton Rio and Frenchie Blue Diamond (and the sister of our Rila). She is a stocky girl weighing in at a muscled up 22-24 pounds. Her blue sabled attire is a dark fawn with the accenting blue-tipped ‘sable’ hairs and a faint set of tan eyebrows and tan cheeks on her beautiful bulldog-ish face. She is fun-loving and chooses to live life with gusto. Reesie loves to be right with her people and there is never a dull moment with this amazing little girl. Frenchton Reesie is a 63% Frenchie/37% Boston terrier (her babies are 81%Frenchie/19%Boston but let’s call them 80/20’s).

The babies’ sire Channing, AKC French bulldog (outside stud), is full of character! He’s a blue and tan cobby little guy with points (the tan eyebrows, tan cheeks, etc.) and you can see the spunk in his beautiful eyes which are accented by those adorable tan eyebrows. He is a perfectly built French bulldog sweetheart who loves attention. If he’s in someone’s lap, he’s happy! True to his Frenchie nature, you can see the confidence in the way he walks and carries himself. Channing, weighing in at about 20 pounds is such a gorgeous little Romeo with a big personality!

Our amazing Frenchtons are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. Our testimonials and references are proof. These babies are on a healthy home prepared diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation babies raised this way in Reesie’s bloodlines. They are potty pad trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh 22-25 pounds and Rolo and Razzie may be closer to the high end of that.

Fabulous Frenchton Baby Ruth with her Frenchie build, amazing personality, and stunning looks is sure to win friends and attract attention wherever she goes. Baby Ruth, now Stella Blue is with  her family in Michigan.

Blue Fawn Princess Razzie – Adopted by Erin and Luis in Ohio
Companion Adoption $4600.

Spunky, Engaging, Stocky, Personable, Confident

Reesie and Channing have truly outdone themselves with their first litter together! These 80% Frenchie babies are absolutely gorgeous.

Beautiful Blue Fawn Princess Razzie is wearing a gorgeous blue fawn coat with a dark blue mask. Blue Fawn is a cream or tan (light or dark) coat with a beautiful blue sheen. Her sister Baby Ruth is also blue fawn but without the dark blue mask and with less sabling. Some sabling (blue tipped hairs) can also be seen in Razzie’s coat on her tail, neck, edges of her ears, etc. The thin white blaze between her eyes, along with the white on her chest and a white front paw accents her exquisite designer blue coat. This color and markings package is more in the rare category as most blue Frenchtons (and Frenchies) are the traditional blue or blue brindle.

Razzie is very Frenchie built and stocky. At maturity I expect she will have a gorgeous bulldog figure! Her more bat-like ears are already up at 5 weeks, topping the chart on her cuteness factor. She is the largest of her siblings and will probably be 24-25 pounds or a bit more as an adult.

Razzie (nicknamed after the candy Razzle), is a spunky little girl who is very engaging and personable. She is not the alpha and probably personality-wise is the least alpha of her siblings. She’s easy to get along with, likes to be held, and is comfortable in arms even though she does not appreciate being held on her back like a baby (most Frenchie-built Frenchtons don’t). Razzie likes exploring and can easily make a to-do list and get things done. She enjoys whatever is going on whether it’s eating, playing, being held, resting, or practicing her bulldog antics. I think she is going to be a smart girl who loves life and lives it confidently.

Mama Frenchton Reesie is smart and sassy with a bit of her own determined nature and a bunch of that great bulldog confidence that comes from the show bloodlines. Reesie has both American champions (from her Boston heritage) and International champions (from her Frenchie lines). She is the gorgeous blue sable daughter of Frenchton Rio and Frenchie Blue Diamond (and the sister of our Rila). She is a stocky girl weighing in at a muscled up 22-24 pounds. Her blue sabled attire is a dark fawn with the accenting blue-tipped ‘sable’ hairs and a faint set of tan eyebrows and tan cheeks on her beautiful bulldog-ish face. She is fun-loving and chooses to live life with gusto. Reesie loves to be right with her people and there is never a dull moment with this amazing little girl. Frenchton Reesie is a 63% Frenchie/37% Boston terrier (her babies are 81%Frenchie/19%Boston but let’s call them 80/20’s).

The babies’ sire Channing, AKC French bulldog (outside stud), is full of character! He’s a blue and tan cobby little guy with points (the tan eyebrows, tan cheeks, etc.) and you can see the spunk in his beautiful eyes which are accented by those adorable tan eyebrows. He is a perfectly built French bulldog sweetheart who loves attention. If he’s in someone’s lap, he’s happy! True to his Frenchie nature, you can see the confidence in the way he walks and carries himself. Channing, weighing in at about 20 pounds is such a gorgeous little Romeo with a big personality!

Our amazing Frenchtons are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. Our testimonials and references are proof. These babies are on a healthy home prepared diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation babies raised this way in Reesie’s bloodlines. They are potty pad trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh 22-25 pounds and Rolo and Razzie may be closer to the upper end of that.

Gorgeous Blue Fawn Razzie with her spunky, engaging personality, is sure to be the star of the show and up for whatever the family gets into. She is now adopted by her furever family!

Frenchton Prince Rolo- Adopted by Brett in Washington

Companion Adoption – $6500.

Exquisite Markings, Fabulous Personality, Affectionate, Funny, Engaging

Reesie and Channing have truly outdone themselves with their first litter together! These 80% Frenchie babies are absolutely gorgeous!

Little man Rolo is a stocky blue fella with tan ‘points’. Points are the tan eyebrows, tan cheeks, tan on the legs, etc. Of all of the markings these are the most rare (in my opinion) as you have to have the colors and markings (points) from both parents. So far he is only the second baby we have had with these markings (but we are planning for more in the future!). Rolo’s designer coat is compliments of his sire AKC Frenchie Channing and his maternal grandsire AKC Frenchie Deuce. Rolo definitely has more of the Frenchie build and has a bit of a longer snout (we breed for this for health and longevity). He will be a stunningly built guy once he matures and gets his bulldog bulk.

Rolo is an affectionate little guy who learned to give chin kisses early. He’s comfortable in arms, likes to snuggle into my neck and then starts with his baby kisses and wiggly playfulness. He is even content laying on his back like a baby. With his comical and fun loving nature, he enjoys playing with his sisters and teaching his toys a thing or two. He may be a comedian in the making… Often he is the one who starts the little bulldog games or gets the toy first to signal the others that it’s time for fun. Rolo is outgoing, very engaging, and super personable. Often he’s the first one to come to me to be picked up and is such a people person (um I mean dog). Rolo has a great middle of the road personality that leans a bit more toward the outgoing side instead of the laid back side. He knows that he’s special and has that great bulldog confidence that comes from a show heritage. I can barely resist his over the top cuteness!

Mama Frenchton Reesie is smart and sassy with a bit of her own determined nature. She is the gorgeous blue sable daughter of Frenchton Rio and Frenchie Blue Diamond (and the sister of our Rila). She is a stocky girl weighing in at a muscled up 24 pounds. Her blue sabled attire is a dark fawn with the accenting blue-tipped ‘sable’ hairs and a faint set of tan eyebrows and tan cheeks on her beautiful bulldogish face. She is fun-loving and chooses to live life with gusto. Reesie loves to be right with her people and there is never a dull moment with this amazing little girl. Frenchton Reesie is a 63% Frenchie/37% Boston terrier (her babies are 81%Frenchie/19%Boston but let’s call them 80/20’s).

The babies’ sire Channing, AKC French bulldog (outside stud), is full of character! He’s a blue and tan cobby little guy with points (the tan eyebrows, tan cheeks, etc. are the ‘points’) and you can see the spunk in his beautiful eyes which are accented by those adorable tan eyebrows. He is a sweetheart who loves attention. If he’s in someone’s lap, he’s happy! True to his Frenchie nature, you can see the confidence in the way he walks and carries himself. Channing, weighing in at about 20 pounds is such a gorgeous little sweetheart with a big personality!

Our amazing Frenchtons are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. Our testimonials and references are proof. These babies are on a healthy home prepared diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation babies raised this way in Reesie’s bloodlines. They are potty pad trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh 22-25 pounds and Rolo may be closer to the high end of that.

Exquisite Rolo with his adorable bulldog build, fabulous personality, gorgeous blue and tan coat (with those over the top eyebrows), is sure to be a treasure and draw attention wherever he goes. He is now with his furever family in Washington state!

Request More Information

If you are interested in adding a very special family member, we would love to talk to you! We welcome your questions!